Neighbourhood Plan

Beeston, Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan has now completed all phases of its production and the final ‘made’ version can be viewed at: Beeston, Tiverton and Tilstone Fearnall Neighbourhood Plan Dec 2017:

What is a Neighourhood Plan?

A Neighourhood Plan is a Statement of how a Community sees itself developing in the future. The aim of the Plan, is to reflect the views and opinions of the Community. It can include anything from litter picking, or wildlife projects in the short term. Long term goals might include presenting a case for action to the policy makers to improve transport links and views on housing development. The list for possible ‘actions’ is endless. We have to tailor our aspirations, and set realistic goals and targets, for the years to come as well as enure planning issues that might be raised are soncistent with the higher level development plans for the area.

Why do a Neighourhood Plan?

Government policy is that rural communities should play a bigger part in influencing and shaping their future. If we, as a group of Parishes, show that we do take our future seriously, a Neighourhood Plan is more likely to lead to further funding and support from the relevant bodies and authorities, who provide our services and facilities. The plan when it is finished, will be adopted as part of other plans or policies relevant to our area, such as the Chester District Local Plan. Producing a Plan will also help us to develop better working relationships with the policy makers.

Additionally, we hope that by producing a Plan, it provides a great opportunity to build on the good community spirit within the Parishes.